Groupements de Createurs: Encouraging Youth Entrepreneurship in France

Faculty and researchers from Harvard University and its 17 affiliated hospitals and institutions (all operate as distinct organizations). Harvard Catalyst grant programme, in collaboration with the researchers, generated 471 Statement of Interest applications in the initial call. 435 applicants were invited to attend an advanced imaging symposium and thus proceed in the grant application process. Final commitments brought the total number of participants to 402. Participants were randomly allocated to a break-out room of 30-40 people in advance so that a random subset of all possible pairs among all participants would receive the treatment.

Algan, Y., Ceci-Renaud, N., Crépon, B., Huillery, E., & Parienté, W., 2015. 'Groupements de Créateurs: Encouraging Youth Entrepreneurship in France'. Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab - Project Registry.