Arnaldo Camuffo
Bocconi University
Arnaldo Camuffo holds an MBA from MIT and a PhD from the University of Venice. He is Full Professor of Business Organisation at Bocconi University where he is also Director of ICRIOS, the Invernizzi Center for Research. He previously taught at the Universities of Padova and Venice and held visiting professor positions at the Industrial Performance Center at MIT, the School of Management of the University of Michigan, Dearborn and the Universidad Deusto, San Sebastian. Author of several books (the latest being Lean Transformations for Small and Medium Enterprises, New York, CRC-Productivity Press, 2016), his research has appeared, among others, in Organisation Science, Strategic Management Journal, Research Policy and the MIT Sloan Management Review. His research focuses on: lean systems, high performance and high sustainability work practices; strategic human resource management, compensation and competency modelling. He serves in the editorial board of European Management Review and the International Journal of Innovation Management.
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