Tim Schweisfurth
Associate Professor
University of Twente
Tim Schweisfurth is an Associate Professor in High-Tech Business at the University of Twente. Before joining UT, he was an Associate Professor of Technology and Innovation Management at the University of Southern Denmark. Before joining SDU, he was a postdoc at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) and doctoral student at Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH). He received his venia legendi from TUM and his Phd from TUHH. His research focuses on 1) data and technology-driven innovation, 2) idea generation and evaluation systems, and 3) open (source) and user innovation. In research and consulting he has worked with companies such as Siemens, Osram, Audi, EWE, Mammut, Panasonic, and others. His research has been published in Research Policy, R&D Management, Creativity and Innovation Management, and other outlets.
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