EU-Funded Trials
IGL provided support and expertise to randomised controlled trials and pilots funded by the European Commission through the INNOSUP-06-2018 programme to help innovation agencies design and test new innovation support programmes.
In 2018, the European Commission introduced a new EU Horizon 2020 programme, to encourage innovation agencies across Europe to experiment in their policy programmes.
From Austria to Spain, via the UK and Lithuania, 27 national and regional agencies tested new solutions to promote innovation using methods such as co-creation and user-centred design. For most of the agencies, this is the first time they’ve experimented with randomised controlled trials or smaller pilots to learn how well these new programmes work.
At the Innovation Growth Lab, we’ve supported both the EU and innovation agencies to succeed.
If you want to find out more about the INNOSUP-06 trials and pilots, we have a whole range of resources to share, from a webinar recording to a report detailing our learnings so far! See below for links.
What is the INNOSUP-06 programme?

Trials & Pilots
Find out more details about the projects themselves, what their aims are, and their key milestones. implementation

What have we learned?
Our findings report bringing together analysis and key findings from thirteen projects who were chosen to break new ground in applying experimental approaches to innovation policy.

How can innovation agencies become more experimental?
We have compiled a brief drawing on the experiences of participating agencies, demonstrating how innovation agencies can embrace randomised experimentation.

Check out our blogs covering our learnings and lessons from supporting these EU-funded trials.

External resources
Find out more about the Horizon 2020 Innosup programme!

As part of EU Industry Week 2021, we held a session on ‘Boosting experimental innovation policy to encourage SME growth in Europe’.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation framework programme under Work Programme 2018-2020 Action 7. Innovation in small and medium-sized enterprises: Support to design and running of randomized control trials under INNOSUP-06-2018. The information and views set out on this page are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the official opinion of EISMEA or of the European Commission. Neither EISMEA, nor the European Commission can guarantee the accuracy of the data included in this study. Neither EISMEA, nor the European Commission or any person acting on their behalf may be held responsible for the use which may be made of the information contained therein.