Trial protocol and statistical analysis plan templates
These are templates to support the design and implementation of randomised controlled trials (RCTs)
IGL provides these templates to support researchers, evaluators or programme implementers who are involved in designing and carrying out randomised controlled trials (RCTs) in the fields of entrepreneurship, innovation or growth policy.
A comprehensive trial protocol should be prepared at the design stage of any RCT, and will be a key reference during the implementation of the trial. The protocol sets out the objectives of the trial, the details of how it will be implemented, and what the most important risks are.
A statistical analysis plan describes in detail how the analysis of outcomes from the trial will be carried out. These details can be included in the trial protocol, but it is often more convenient to prepare a separate document. The analysis plan can be prepared when the trial is already underway but should be completed before any outcome data is collected.
The trial protocol template and the statistical analysis plan template are intended to be used alongside IGL’s Guide to Randomised Trials and Quantitative Analysis Guide.
These templates are available in Google Docs or Word format. You can access the Google Docs version here:
For the Word version, please use the download buttons below.
We welcome any feedback on these templates or suggestions for revisions in the future. Please send any feedback to [email protected].